Bilgisayar Bilimleri Eğimi Haftası Kapsamında Kodlama Saati’ni Tamamladık
25 Aralık 2019Lise Rehberlik Çalışmaları Kapsamında Meslek Tanıtım Günleri Etkinliğimizin 17.Sini Bugün Gerçekleştirdik
25 Aralık 2019
Everybody has wanted snow to fall in Aydın but we haven’t had yet. ☃ So Red and Lilac Class decided to create a snowstorm in a punched pocket.❄They had so much fun blowing through straws into the pockets to make the snowstorm. It was a great way to help them play in the snow and improve their fine and oral motor skills. ☄